Saturday, May 23, 2020
History A Very Short Introduction Essay - 1488 Words
In History: A Very Short Introduction, Arnold weaves together various anecdotes including a 14th century murder, an epic regarding the corybantic slaughter of cats in France, the varying accounts of a Sojourner Truth speech, and many more stories to emphasize why history matters and the problems inherent in its recording. Throughout his novel, he contests the stance taken by Thucydides, a notable Greek historian. Thucydides lived from 460 BCE to 400 BCE and was famous for his work, The History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounted the conflict between Athens and Sparta. Thucydides firmly believed that history was meant to solely record the stories of politics, the state and great men  a belief that John Arnold throughly opposes. With his beliefs and narratives, he created a precedent that negatively influenced historiography for many years to come, for historians chose to disregard the lives and stories of the common man. It was this precedent that the historian Arnaldo M omigliano referred to as Thucydides’ Tower. â€Å"Arnaldo Momigliano (a modern author) remarked that having shut himself up in this tower of political history, Thucydides wanted to confine all of us there too†(34). The idea of Thucydides’ Tower itself refers to a metaphorical prison out of which historians could only see politics, war and the actions of great men; Looking out from the tower, their vision was far too narrow to see the lives and stories of the everyday man. Indeed, if Arnold wished to have aShow MoreRelatedNeoliberalism, A Very Short Introduction Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesNeoliberalism, A Very Short Introduction Manfred B. Steger and Ravi. K. Roy Book Review ABSTRACT Neoliberalism a Very Short Introduction, is an excellent and concise presentation of the history and development of neoliberal ideas. During the 1980s and 1990s, the revival of the liberal ideas was known as neoliberal. 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