Saturday, May 23, 2020
History A Very Short Introduction Essay - 1488 Words
In History: A Very Short Introduction, Arnold weaves together various anecdotes including a 14th century murder, an epic regarding the corybantic slaughter of cats in France, the varying accounts of a Sojourner Truth speech, and many more stories to emphasize why history matters and the problems inherent in its recording. Throughout his novel, he contests the stance taken by Thucydides, a notable Greek historian. Thucydides lived from 460 BCE to 400 BCE and was famous for his work, The History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounted the conflict between Athens and Sparta. Thucydides firmly believed that history was meant to solely record the stories of politics, the state and great men  a belief that John Arnold throughly opposes. With his beliefs and narratives, he created a precedent that negatively influenced historiography for many years to come, for historians chose to disregard the lives and stories of the common man. It was this precedent that the historian Arnaldo M omigliano referred to as Thucydides’ Tower. â€Å"Arnaldo Momigliano (a modern author) remarked that having shut himself up in this tower of political history, Thucydides wanted to confine all of us there too†(34). The idea of Thucydides’ Tower itself refers to a metaphorical prison out of which historians could only see politics, war and the actions of great men; Looking out from the tower, their vision was far too narrow to see the lives and stories of the everyday man. Indeed, if Arnold wished to have aShow MoreRelatedNeoliberalism, A Very Short Introduction Essay1360 Words  | 6 PagesNeoliberalism, A Very Short Introduction Manfred B. Steger and Ravi. K. Roy Book Review ABSTRACT Neoliberalism a Very Short Introduction, is an excellent and concise presentation of the history and development of neoliberal ideas. During the 1980s and 1990s, the revival of the liberal ideas was known as neoliberal. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
St. Thomas Aquinas s Five Ways And William Paley s...
I will be writing about St. Thomas Aquinas’s â€Å"Five ways†and William Paley’s â€Å"Teleological argument†. I will be looking into the difference between the two philosophers who both believe in God but have two different approaches on how they can both prove that God does exist. I would like to look deeper into the difference between the two and to see whose theory of Gods existence is more logical with the least arguments. I will be looking at two of Aquinas’s laws two and five, Aquinas says we experience causality Nothing is the cause of itself causes are other than their effects. There cannot be an infinite regress of caused causes. If there were an infinite regress, the effects we experience here now would not exist. Therefore, there must be some first cause and this we call God. There is also the law of argument by design, we naturally work towards a goal, we also lack the knowing of the outcome, but we reach our goal by being pointed in the direction, therefore there is an intelligent being pointing us in the direction and that would be proof of â€Å"God†. As for Paley’s theory he believes that nature must have a designer and that the designer is God, he believed we all have a purpose and everything that we do has purpose. Paley says that with our abilities to create artifacts that resemble the universe then there has to be a creator of the universe and everything that is in it. Either nature or some of its parts have design like properties they show evidence of beingShow MoreRelatedQuestions On The And The Doctrine Of God2357 Words  | 10 Pageslogical proof? Arguments in the affirmative abound. Let us examine one in particular, that of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Five Ways. As we do this, we will consider Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard’s claim that any logical proof of God’s existence assumes God already exists, that God is necessary for reality to exist (Swenson). Let us establish the logical proof offered by Aquinas and then determine whether we could reach the same conclusions assuming God does not exist, and employ Occ am’s razor. The Way of Motion a)Read MoreChapter 1 THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF REASONING 25116 Words  | 21 PagesChapter 1 THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF REASONING ARGUMENTS Reasoning is the activity of making inferences. This is when you attempt to justify or prove one statement by appealing to another statement/s. To prove or justify a statement means to give a good reason for believing it.1 The statement that you are trying to justify is called the conclusion whereas the justifying statements are called premises. All reasoning has a conclusion (implied or explicit) and at least one (and typically more than one)
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Developmental Delays Research Paper
According to (How A Child Develops Development Delay) development delays usually happens when a children does not accomplish certain development milestones. Development milestones are various changes in skills through which a child goes through in child development. These development milestones should be attained in predictable time intervals. Therefore at a certain period a child is supposed to have learnt a certain skill. For instance by the period of 9 to 15 months, a child is supposed to have learnt how to walk. If a child of an age of 20 months does not know how to walk, then we may conclude that, that child is experiencing development delays. However, development delays have quite a range of symptoms or signs among children. To fully understand the impacts of development delays, we must keenly analyze these indicators of development delays. These indicators are classified into four distinct categories that have major impact to child development. These categories include behavioral, gross motor, hearing and vision. To start with, we have the behavioral signs. A child experiencing development delays may seem not to focus or be attentive to an activity for such a long period unlike other children in which children of the same age are engaged with. The children with this complication may also focus on some unusual object for quite some time. Children with this problem will find more ‘entertainment’ in these objects than interacting with their colleagues. They will as well avoid any eye contacts with their colleagues. Therefore, these children are shy to the rest. They will as well get frustrated in accomplishing simple tasks that children of their age can perform. These children act aggressively and at times a teacher or guardian may feel that the child is somehow stubborn unlike other children of their age. This violent behavior may be persistent and may happen day in day out. This child will too find comfort by staring into space, talking to themselves or even rocking the body. These children will seek no love from their parents or teacher. What are the implications of these behaviors to a young child and in the learning process? These traits may heavily negatively affect a child in a pre-school environment. An usual characteristic with children is their curiosity to learn new things. Unlike that, there is a child here who has no concentration to learning. Learning entails a lot of concentration from the learners to get the concept. A child with no concentration will therefore miss a lot of information from the teacher. A preschool teacher may feel irritated by a child who is not concentrating and so may act harshly on them. A pre school teacher must therefore take precaution in handling such children. This child will focus on other irrelevant issues that distract them from learning. We have also observed that the child’s interactive part is affected. In a preschool environment, a lot of activities entail working in groups. The games, construction, they all require children to participate in various roles. These don’t find it comfortable with other children and may therefore miss some important skills. Children act in hostile manner such that they may harm others. Other children will avoid them altogether. These children feel isolated and have no love altogether. They will therefore live as deviants which may ultimately affect their learning. The second category, which is the gross motor symptoms. There are various physiological conditions. A child will have traits such as stiff arms and/or legs. The child uses one side of the body than the other. He or she therefore has a limp body posture unlike other children of their age. In learning, children are expected to engage in various sports that require a lot of physical input. Children with these difficulties will end up being fatigued in very short instances. This child may therefore not participate fully. This child may therefore feel frustrated for not engaging with others and may develop a ‘I can’t do it’ attitude. This child will grow up in a demoralized state. Children with development delays also have some vision problems. This child seems to have a problem following objects with both of their eyes. They also have difficulties on focusing on objects and will therefore have to close one eye and use the other eye to focus on the object. These children usually have to find uncomfortable postures so that they can be able to see distant objects. There are abnormalities in vision as the children find the objects in not their appropriate sizes and colors. These vision problems may affect a child both in class and also in out door activities. A child may not clearly see what the teacher is writing and therefore literacy might be a problem. Children participation in outdoor games may be hindered too. Uncomfortable postures, and especially at tender age, may affect the child’s bone structure and especially the backbone which may lead complication later on in life. A child may also exhibit hearing complications where the child may talk too loudly or softly. The child has to turn ears to the direction of the voice or a caller so as to get the message being passed on. This child will therefore find it difficult in communicating with their colleges. These children also have underdeveloped speech. They have sounds and words that are possibly not of their age bracket. Children with hearing complications may not get all the information passed on by the teacher. Hearing is an important sensory function and especially to someone who needs to learn. The child too has deformed ears in shape. This may act as ridicule by many of their colleagues who may perceive it as funny. These children may therefore feel stigmatized which will definitely hinder their learning abilities. All in all, development delays will hinder a child’s learning abilities in a very large manner. The child has some is sort of handicapped but is as well normal and will therefore be stigmatized by the other children of their age. Parents and teachers are therefore encouraged to take precautionary measures once they detect some of these complications among their children. Parents are therefore encouraged to enroll for these early intervention services programs which offer support to families so as to enhance child development. If this is not done, these complications may not be corrected and may end up as scars to a child even at mature age and may therefore not catch up with those of their age. These children may even end committing suicide at teenage. (How Kids Develop) In developing a curriculum for a pre-school class, educators must as well understand the development of the children. They must relate the curriculum to the development of the children. This means that, educators must teach or pass on skills that are compatible with the children. A curriculum should be in such a way that, children are able to understand what they are taught by the teachers. A good curriculum is one that considers starting with the basics. The basics are the foundation of education. The cognitive development of a child is such a process that requires systematic feeding of information. A curriculum should therefore emphasis on what is important for the children at the right time. A curriculum should be used to help a child develop but not to confuse the child. Educators must be keen on various typical behaviors of children during their development.( Developmental domains, cognitive development, language development, early childhood development) In this case they must be able to utilize those behaviors in trying to enlighten the young ones. Most of these behaviors come as a result of domain development. There are four major development domains, these include the physical development. This entails general growth of the body structure. The physical development also includes sensory development which includes vision, hearing, touch smell, and the integration and coordination of these systems to the central nervous system.  There is also the cognitive development. This includes the development of the mind, with the ability to think reason and even remember. There is the social development which incorporates the development of a child’s ability to interact with others. There is also the emotional behavior. The child starts to have a de fined sort of trait. In each of these developments, children develop certain traits that are important when developing a curriculum. At some age, children are very playful. Some parents get it wrong when they deny their children to play. Children also get curious about various issues, like for instance they may ask a stranger too many questions. Children too feel the need to make friendship with their colleagues. They feel that they want to have social groups. A curriculum should incorporate these traits to enhance the development of the children. (High Scope curriculum) A good preschool curriculum, it must have at least have these important components to help a child develop in the various domains. One of the very important components is language and literacy. A curriculum should be able to enhance the development of language. The curriculum should also help the child be able to read and write too. This is the basis of education. A child should therefore be able to read stories and also narrate them to fellow children. A child should be able to scribble letters. A second important component of a preschool curriculum is numbers. A child should be able to compare various numbers. This child should also be able to determine a greater number than the other. In numbers, there is need for experiments so that the children are able to recognize the practicability of numbers. Numbers is a very relevant topic for developing minds as the day today lives entail mathematics all around us. There is also an important component which is creativity. Children should be introduced to drawing of shapes to represent things in their environment. Children should also be taught how to recognize objects using their sense organs. Children should also get engaged with making models using clay or blocks. This is a process of socializing the child to their environment. We recognize that growth is a process and it is necessary that curriculums have important components that are of benefit to children.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Braveheart Movie Analysis - 1216 Words
Braveheart Edward the Longshanks, king of England was a dominant figure bent on obtaining allegiance by most any means available. He was an autocratic leader in that he was the central authority. The only power that he was willing to give was to those that he could still control through fear and bribery. Expansion of his power base came by using the greed of others. Given no concern for human needs, he expected his followers to do what they were told and not think for themselves. Input from others was received but ultimately what he wanted was all that mattered. He used negative theory by applying fear for those that opposed and positive theory by offering rewards for those that agreed with him is his quest for power. Braveheart is†¦show more content†¦His desire for the one goal he has given up everything for, freedom is still within reach. Still believing Robert the Bruce is the man that he hopes he is and will join him to fight for Scotland. Robert the Bruce looked to Wallace as his mentor, admiring Wallace’s uncompromising nature and his courage. Robert the Bruce knew all along what the right course of action was, but sometimes, we know the right thing to do is the hard thing to do. At times we fall prey to weakness and allow someone else to assume the leadership role. He finally realized that what Wallace had was a passion for something greater than himself and that his followers were willing to give up everything to follow him. Wallace’s final act of leadership inspired Robert the Bruce to assume his rightful claim to the throne and to do so by asking those men that had followed Wallace to follow him as well. Determined by the manner in which Wallace was accepted by his followers he had great leader-member relations. Robert learns how painful betrayal is when his father conspires to have William captured. I can’t fail to mention another main character in the movie, one who falls into Hersey-Blanard contingency model â€Å"selling†(high willingness, low ability but highly trainable). Princess Isabella, wife of the weak and indecisive Prince Edward and daughter-in-law of Longshanks.. Unafraid in her willingness to go see forShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Braveheart 1529 Words  | 7 PagesDylan Echevarria English 106 Darryl Ellison 30 January 2015 Braveheart: Close Reading As George S. Patton commented about war, Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood. There is an extensive body of films in the War genre, some of which seem to glorify the bravery andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Braveheart By William Wallace1570 Words  | 7 Pagesthey might think of the Mel Gibson movie, â€Å"Braveheart†. As that is a great movie, it’s not nearly the full story of William Wallace. Therefore, a hunt for the truth of the real the story was underway. William Wallace was born in 1270’s in Scotland, but not much is known about his childhood but that he lived with his father, Sir Malcom Wallace, on a small piece of land in Scotland. (BBC) and (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica) This is dock number one on the movie. Although some may say, â€Å"Shame onRead MoreBraveheart Figurative Language1522 Words  | 7 Pages Wu 1 Raymond Wu Instructor: Ian Patrick Cresswell English 100 – 03 22 March 2016 MLA Braveheart Speech: In-depth Analysis Regarding Figurative Language Braveheart is a historical drama epic film from 1995. The film was nominated for ten Academy Awards and won five. The film is non-fictional and depicts the events of William Wallace, a Scottish hero who led the Scots during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. However, despite the historical inaccuracies cited by criticsRead MoreMission and Vision Statement-Netflix912 Words  | 4 PagesBMGT- 495 Strategic Management â€Æ' Part 1 For my analysis of mission and vision statements and company’s strategic direction paper, I decided to use Netflix. Netflix mission statement is Our core strategy is to grow our streaming subscription business domestically and globally. We are continuously improving the customer experience, with a focus on expanding our streaming content, enhancing our user interface and extending our streaming service to even more Internet-connected devices, whileRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Braveheart Directed By Mel Gibson1141 Words  | 5 PagesThe film â€Å"Braveheart†directed by Mel Gibson, Alan Ladd Jr. and Bruce Davey is a storyline involving a young man who is determined to secure and rescue his country from invasion despite failures of other members of his family. The analysis is a classic depiction of the integration of various themes involving revenge, perseverance, and betrayal in the passing of the message of world civilization that involved securing Scotland from the powerful English armies. The movie’s use of relevant themes, throughRead MoreEssay about How to Read Literature Like a Professor1562 Words  | 7 Pagesgo there, (d) challenges and trials en route, and (e) a real reason to go there. I believe that almost every literary work consists of a quest, but some are more obvious than others. An example of a quest would be from my all time favorite Disney movie, â€Å"Up†. * (a) A quester: Carl Frederickson (b) A place to go: Paradise Falls (c) A stated reason to go there: When Carl and his wife were younger; they both idolized an explorer named Charles Muntz. They were saving up money to go to ParadiseRead MoreModernization of Ntuc Income Case Study14065 Words  | 57 Pages Popsicle days, and the occasional rock concert. At DY4 Systems Inc. in Ottawa, employees sit on plastic chairs that double as curling rocks for their human curling event. At Kryptonite, CEO Gary Furst dresses up as a Scottish warrior in the movie Braveheart, complete with kilt, face-paint, and bagpiper, when he hands out the bonus cheques. Furst and other executives at the Boston-based bicycle lock maker have also dyed their hair green, held game shows, and hired musicians to entertain the troopsRead MoreModernization of Ntuc Income Case Study14054 Words  | 57 Pages Popsicle days, and the occasional rock concert. At DY4 Systems Inc. in Ottawa, employees sit on plastic chairs that double as curling rocks for their human curling event. At Kr yptonite, CEO Gary Furst dresses up as a Scottish warrior in the movie Braveheart, complete with kilt, face-paint, and bagpiper, when he hands out the bonus cheques. Furst and other executives at the Boston-based bicycle lock maker have also dyed their hair green, held game shows, and hired musicians to entertain the troops
Media Frames and Hip Hop Culture Free Essays
string(116) " music has questionable lyrics, hip hop artists are the primary suspects when it comes to bringing out the censors\." The media has an increasing presence in all of our lives, and there has been a lot of research conducted on the various ways that it affects the very ideas that pop into our heads, the impressions we formulate of other cultures and musical genres, on foreign policy and the things that we buy. It’s obvious that the media is playing a role in our daily lives, but to what extent is it affecting the way hip hop music and the culture itself are understood by the average citizen, specifically children? Via the radio, the newspapers, magazines and most commonly, the television and internet, is it possible to see just how these easily available media are influencing younger people and those of an older age bracket and notice what kinds of frames the media are using with regards to hip hop? This paper will take a look at the available literature sources on the subject of media messaging and hip hop culture and review the established theories, as well as use household surveys to examine just how much exposure children in America actually have to mass media. Media framing is the process by which the media chooses its context for a news story and portrays it with a certain slant – common framing is done with a conservative viewpoint or a liberal one, and often as pertains to the hip hop culture the frame is that of a violent, consumerist culture (Robinson 20). We will write a custom essay sample on Media Frames and Hip Hop Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Media framing is a technique by which journalists and reporters give basic context to their stories, and framing can tend to promote a particular political or social agenda or because of a fundamental lack of knowledge on the subject. Ramsey (pp 22-40) thinks that it is a case of the latter, since researchers and sociologists tend to regard hip hop cultures in American as being quite separate from the rest of the population to begin with. This isolation, to whatever degree it is actually apparent in these subcultures, is portrayed by the media and therefore understood by all viewers and listeners as the truth. Americans who are not a part of the hip hop culture are easily made to notice themes in hip hop music that relate to violent gang mentality and blatant consumerism that sees younger black people showing off expensive clothes, jewelry and cars. Mukherjee calls this media frame the â€Å"ghetto fabulous†and explains how what was originally an isolated feature of the hip hop culture has become widespread due to media attentions. This primary isolation is one of the major frames used by the media to portray a specific picture of hip hop culture, and these depictions are undoubtedly helping to shape the hip hop scene in the mind of the average television viewer and magazine reader. Saunders describes the generalized version of hip hop culture as a group of thieves, graffiti artists, vandals, drugdealers, sex-obsessed men, objectified women and joyriders (37-134), and unfortunately although this is a part of the underground culture of both the hip hop artist and the people listening to the music, the author accepts that there is more to it than this perception. Although it has been correctly noted that these themes are recurrent in rap music, an individual listener could easily fail to notice these same themes – or any other recurrent themes, for that matter – inherent in other types of music or even literature and film. The media has honed in on the negative themes in rap and hip hop music, however, and uses such sensationalist aspects of the culture and music to deliver a message of negativity, and create fear. The attentions unrelated groups of people have tried to intervene and have such songs and music videos censored. This has not generally had a positive effect on hip hop lyrics, and in fact has actually helped to raise the popularity of such music and the culture surrounding it (Davidson 74). Where once hip hop was purely restricted to the groups of black Americans forming their own subculture, now media attentions (both positive and negative) have brought hip hop and rap music to larger numbers of people who wouldn’t have originally had access to it. With the widespread hip hop scene, people of other ethnic origins and social situations are discovering the music and starting to participate in the culture, and this can be attributed in a large part to the success of the Motown Corporation (Neal). Some of the aspects featured in hip hop music, like graffiti, can be looked at as holding a specific role within the culture itself. Graffiti, for example, can be viewed as a â€Å"microcosm of how people communicate, participate, and learn within a community†(Rahn 137), specifically within the hip hop communities of urban America. Although it seems unlikely that media bodies realize exactly what they are portraying to viewers and readers of popular magazines, stories about graffiti artists involved in the hip hop lifestyle are being framed in such a light as to highlight the rebellious qualities of the subculture. Graffiti is portrayed in a conflicting way; negative in that it defaces public and private property and can be used to mark gang territory, but also mildly positive in that it is obviously an artistic outlet. The artistic aspect has a negative side as well, however, since the media can only seem to look at graffiti art in a good way if it is an expressive emotional outpouring from an impoverished neighborhood (Rahn). Basically, hip hop artists are only getting attention from the media for negative qualities in their music and lifestyles, at least as perceived by the media itself and the majority of average citizens watching the news and reading the magazines and newspapers. People see rappers on TV when they are involved in gang related crimes and gun violence, or when their lyrics have come under scrutiny for what is deemed unsuitable content. Although every genre of music has questionable lyrics, hip hop artists are the primary suspects when it comes to bringing out the censors. You read "Media Frames and Hip Hop Culture" in category "Essay examples" The media frames hip hop and rap artists in an unfavorable light the vast majority of the time, citing them in one all encompassing category that is violent, untrustworthy and obsessed with material possessions. Unless a person is directly involved in the hip hop scene, they are very unlikely to hear about positive things going on within the culture. The media on the whole simply reports on negativity within the hip hop world, something that many artists are understandably frustrated with. What this media framing is proving to the hip hop culture is merely an ignorance on behalf of media and the general viewing audience towards black American society. With very few years – relatively speaking – of freedom and equality between black people as a minority group in America and the majority whites, black Americans have found themselves grouped together in poor areas still facing huge difficulties in achieving better standards of living. These societal factors have had a huge impact on the subculture of blacks themselves, resulting in part in hip hop music as both a rebellious act and a validation of black survival in an often hostile larger environment. Mollyanne Brodie used her book Kids and Media in America: Patterns of Use at the Millenium to discover just how much of an impact media images such as these portrayals of hip hop culture are affecting young children throughout the country. The results of these surveys are instrumental in understanding the role of media framing in American children with regards to hip hop music and culture. She noted that although there are ways of discerning how long a television set is on during the day in the average household, there is no real way of knowing which programs or advertisements are seen by which members of the family. With specialized surveys distributed to households in the United States, Brodie collected answers from members of different families to work out just how much time children were spending watching which kinds of shows on the TV during the day. â€Å"The ‘in-home’ sample consist[ed] of 1,090 young children, ages 2 through 7 years, and relie[d] on parent responses to questionnaires†(Brodie 18). Keeping in mind that children can lack vital information about the programs they are watching and other related questions, it was up to parents to share the viewing habits of their children and this data was collected to get a firm, solid look at the American child and media influences. The conclusions were that today’s young person in the United States spends more time with media sources than any other preceding generation, and that this is likely to increase in the near future. With the television, computers, the internet and advanced mobile technologies, kids have access to more information than ever before and the media therefore has access to the kids as well. For this reason, the media has taken on a more powerful role than ever before in human history. The findings of these surveys were conclusive in revealing the simple fact that kids can go about their daily lives without fully realizing how they are being affected by the barrage of media images, and when it comes to the hip hop culture this is no different. Negative comments, news stories and lyrical debates are at the forefront of a young person’s mind, since survey statistics have proven that music is the most important aspect of a child’s life, especially in the teenage years. Hip hop has infiltrated the routine of the average youth due to censorship issues, gang reports and all kinds of negative imaging, however it is with this younger generation that the truth behind the hip hop culture is beginning to be truly appreciated. The average youth experiences difficulties that are thematically similar to that of the oppressed and underprivileged black American who is a part of the hip hop culture, and kids are able to make this connection when they take a look at the music coming out of such groups. Rap and hip hop were born out of frustration and the need for freedom of expression, which is just what the average teenager is looking for as well. With this fundamental likeness, youths turn to hip hop music as a way to bond with each other and feel validated in their opinions and feelings of loneliness and desperation. Lyrics about gang violence can represent the need to fit into a group, while songs featuring bling and ownership can represent the ultimate triumph over adversity. Kids can really relate to this kind of music despite media imagery that portrays it as negative, because they are used to having themselves portrayed in a negative way by their parents, schoolteachers and other authority figures. Media framing of the hip hop culture might not be affecting the youth of America in a straightforward way, but it is affecting them nevertheless. The older generations are reacting in the expected manner, however, when they tend to latch onto the negative side of hip hop and work to eradicate it from the American music scene. Parents are becoming concerned about their children participating in what they consider a different culture of music and behavior, and the media is merely serving to continue this sort of thinking. When people see rap music videos, they have years of pre-conceived notions in their minds, placed there by the media, and so it becomes very difficult to differentiate between real opinion and actual negativity. A person tends to consider issues such as this based on the information they already have, and then value that information on the source that it came from. If the source is trusted, a person will tend to follow that train of thought; if not, they might look further into the issue to find features of it they can relate to themselves. It is this characteristic of each individual person that leads them to a certain degree of media influence. Where an adult who trusts major news sources and hears that rap music is synonymous with violence and crime might believe it with few questions, a teenager who has become wary of any older authority figure who hears the same thing will probably not accept this as the complete truth. Brodie’s surveys helped to prove what most of us already thought to be true: the media is playing a huge role in our perception of the world, particularly with the younger generations. â€Å"A typical 11- to 14-year-old gives more than 6 ½ hours per day to media, and because he or she often uses several media simultaneously, encounters almost 8 hours per day of media content†(Brodie 190). These conclusions do go to support secondary sources like the essays The Ghetto Fabulous Aesthetic in Contemporary Black Culture and Sold Out on Soul: The Corporate Annexation of Popular Black Music. Both papers solidify the notion that the media has a great impact on hip hop portrayal throughout America in every aspect, particularly in music and consumerism. Researchers are in agreement with statistical evidence that proves children in America are incredibly susceptible to media influence, although it is clear that there are other factors that determine just how a young person will react to the same media frames in hip hop. Works Cited Brodie, Mollyanne, Ulla Foehr, Donald Roberts and Victoria Rideout. Kids and Media in America: Patterns of Use at the Millennium. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Davidson, Sandra. Bleep! Censoring Rock and Rap Music. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. Rahn, Janice. Painting without Permission: Hip-Hop Graffiti Subculture. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey, 2002. Mukherjee, Roojali. The Ghetto Fabulous Aesthetic in Contemporary Black Culture. Neil, Mark. Sold Out on Soul: The Corporate Annexation of Black Popular Music. Ramsey, Guthrie. Race Music: Black Cultures from Bebop to Hip-Hop. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003. Robinson, Piers. The CNN Effect: The Myth of News, Foreign Policy, and Intervention. London: Routledge, 2002. Sanders, Bill. Youth Crime and Youth Culture in the Inner City. New York, NY: Routledge, 2005. How to cite Media Frames and Hip Hop Culture, Essay examples
Ethnographic free essay sample
The problem of gaining access can provide important insights into the nature and organization of the social setting under study. In what ways can issues influence the outcome of ethnographic research? What strategies can researchers adopt to overcome obstacles to access? ‘Ethnography is branch of anthropology which has aided social researchers in the quest for a deeper understanding of different societies, social groups or cultures’ (Hammersely, 1995p365). The purpose this essay is to gain an insight into the problems that researchers encounter when the try to gain access to certain fields they wish to investigate. There are many obstacles associated with this research approach and invariably can impact on the outcome of the research. My essay will outline the key features of ethnography and the challenges that greet the researcher as the go about conducting their research. We will focus mainly on the problems related to access, how these challenges are approached and the tactics that are used to overcome these difficulties. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethnographic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ‘The access negotions can be construed as involving multiple views of what is profane and what is open to investigation vs. What is sacred or taboo and closed to investigation unless the appropriate respectful stance is assumed’ Barbara Stein The qualitative research method is a particular useful for acquiring knowledge on why specific groups act the way they do. Researchers are not interested in how often people use illegal drugs or how often people visit sex shops but instead why people do what they do! What is their motivation? And do they think their behaviour is acceptable or unacceptable within their own social setting, it is for this reason that gaining access to certain social settings can prove difficult. Hammersely and Atkinson have revealed this to us in the form of two social settings. These can be simply categorised as â€Å"open†and â€Å"closed†(Byrman, 2008, p403). Open social settings are generally institutions or organizations such as schools or firms while on the other hand ‘Closed’ social settings are associated with groups like gangs and criminals. For research to take place in a closed social setting the ethnographer will sometimes go undercover or in ‘covert manner’ often in disguise in order to fit in with their research subjects. By using this method members of that group are less likely to change their behaviour and a true picture of the situation can be observed. Obviously taking notes is a no-no. The researcher also has to rely on memory and this can have a negative impact on the accuracy of their research findings. Covert research also requires a lot of careful planning and patience and can also be extremely dangerous when dealing with criminal elements. This can be seen in Wolf’s study of ‘Harley tribe’. In this situation he disguised himself as a biker, customized his bike and took on the persona of a fully fleged biker so he could become involved with this group (Hammersley and Atkinson, (1995 p57-58). He lacked patience and asked too many questions when he met several members of the Kings Crew MC in a motorcycle shop. The members of that group became increasingly suspicious and distrustful of him, even though he looked the part. In the end he was forced to approach another group of bikers (Hammersley and Atkinson (1995 p58). This illustrates that the possibility of gaining access can be easily delayed in the primary stages of research. When researchers decide to take the covert route, they must ensure long term and stable access to a social setting for their ethnographic research. A lot of ‘outside observation’ must take place in order to know what behaviour is accetable in certain social circles so that they fit in. This is essential to ensure that the results of the research provide a clear picture of the social group. lose lips, sink ships†Once the researcher has gained access It is important that an interviewer remains impartial and professional at all times Expressions of disbelief, shock, anger, disgust or scepticism should be avoided. Once you have gained their trust and an effective rapport with the interviewee has been established, expressing your personal attitudes, revulsion or disgust at their opinions will only jeopardize the purpose of the interview. â€Å"The right man for the right job†is also a key factor.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Customer Service and Design Alternative Courses free essay sample
Case 1. TECSMART ELECTRONICS Identify the problem: Formulate objectives: Design alternative courses of action: Analysis of the ACA: a. advantages b. drawbacks Conclusion: Recommendation: Case 2. CAN SIX SIGMA WORK IN HEALTH CARE? Identify the problem: New culturein the hospital Formulate objectives:  · To be able to make it easy to employees and all staffs the new framework to be used.  · Design alternative courses of action: Analysis of the ACA: a. advantages b. drawbacks Conclusion: Recommendation: Case 3. TOYOTA MOTO CORPORATION, LTD. Identify the problem: Losing quality products. Formulate objectives:  · To be able to consitently provide quality products.  · To be able to regain quality edge. Design alternative courses of action:  · Inspect every process in the production system to ensure delivery of quality products to customers. Analysis of the ACA: a. Advantages:  · High quality products.  · Customers satisfaction to products. b. Drawbacks:  · Costly  · Time-consuming Conclusion: Toyota became a victim of its own success. Because of its focus in becoming the number one auto maker in the world, it affected its product quality. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service and Design Alternative Courses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Customers began to face safety related problems in Toyota vehicles. Toyota had sacrificed its legendary quality and ignored its own management principles and customers. Recommendation: I would recommend them to forget their own pride in having their own principles and management, if it will lead them to a low quality products and unsatisfied customers. It is good if they would focus on providing quality and always conduct an inspection before giving away products to customer to ensure quality. Case 4. THE NIGHTMARE ON TELECOM STREET Identify the problem: Inefficient customer service system. Formulate objectives:  · To be able to improve cutomer service experience.  · To be able to provide quality service to customers.  · To be able to provide efficient service.  · To be able to give fast transaction. Design alternative course of action:  · Recreate the customer service system  · Hire additional customer service representatives to entertain calls Analysis of the ACA: a. Advantages:  · Customer satisfaction to efficient service.  · The more the employess, the more persons can facilitate customers need to entertain their needs and concerns. b. Drawbacks:  · More cost is shouldered by the firm.  · Time-consuming. Conclusion: In order to satisfy customers need to be entertain, the firm is in a need of new employees. As a customer myself, I also get pissed of to systems like this because it is very time consuming. Recommendation: I would highly recommend to hire more employees in order for the customers need to be entertain urgently and efficiently. If it is possible to reform the system, it is much better.
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