Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Hearsay, Lies and Urdu Essay Topics List
Hearsay, Lies and Urdu Essay Topics List Teens should have to take parenting classes. Parents should speak to kids about drugs at a youthful age. They can opt for the most suitable homeschooling methodology and programs for their child. Parents of bullies should need to pay a fine. Books never ought to be banned. Readers may, obviously, disagree and create their own lists. Textbooks ought to be free. Children should have to read more. Urdu Essay Topics List Secrets There's, obviously, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Pressing Esc on your keyboard has the exact function. Though an excellent solution for one-on-one time, it may also be a costly choice. If your school doesn't offer a writing class, you might discover a workshop offered on campus or maybe a class it's possible to take online, if you're prepared to pay. The very first step is where a lot of students become stuck. Background can be elaborate based on how much research was done in the region of your subject or related place. In the event the research is based on statistical data, then incorporate the quantities of the test benefits. Read all topics carefully and choose the one about which you're certain you have enough understanding. Language has an important and useful part in various phases of human's life. If you're struggling with writing essays and wish to increase your skills, taking a course or workshop can be exceedingly helpful. Every family needs to have a all-natural disaster survival program. This novel is all about the relationships. Designed for this specific motive, the majority of people produce just personalized essays personalised so you can a demands. If you're a worldwide student worrying about your writing skills, there are a number of helpful resources which are available to you. Therefore, it proves a good aid in character-building. Get assistance with your writing. New Ideas Into Urdu Essay Topics List Never Before Revealed You may also get many discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Teens should have the ability to pick their bedtime. Life is much better than it was 50 decades ago. Looking to get a term paper online. It is the sole book which a massive number of individuals have learned by heart. We Muslims repeat it several times every day, and it's known as the Fatiha, in other words, the preface or introduction. There are dozens and dozens of angels and archangels who are ready and prepared to help us. If most men and women experience any particular doubts, an individual can certainly get in contact with your good assist team evening as well as evening and of course pick up instantaneous benefit. Usually, representatives of student culture can create their very own original suggestions and demonstrate their opinions by way of peaceful demonstrations. This culture can be characterized with the support of particular criteria and all other cultures on earth. There are various people who may influence students in conditions of their actions and decisions. Learning the new language usually means that you wish to come up with a whole lot of new skills that can help you to process what other men and women say in different languages and to communicate with the folks of unique regions. Who Else Wants to Learn About Urdu Essay Topics List? As soon as you begin, don't stop! The majority of these topics may be used for debates. It might be beneficial to get together to encourage one another to write. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory over a particular age.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of Inside Out And Frankenstein - 1480 Words
Inside Out and Frankenstein may have multiple similarities, but the fact that they are so different is unbelievable that they can be alike in so many ways. Inside out was published in 2010 is a dystopian work taking place in the future where Frankenstein was published in 1818 is a horror story taking place in the past. Inside out is about a girl named Trella who is un-happy with her way of life because she lives in an over populated metal box, and is told what to do every minute of the day by offices who can kill her at any moment. But this all changes when she undercovers a key to a way out. Trella starts a revolution between her people and the government by accident. The novel is also about the battle that is going on in herself. Frankenstein is about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who creates a monster because he wanted to see if he can go against the laws of nature, but his experiment turns out as a complete disaster. Yes, both novels are classified under science fiction, but the plot, setting, time period, and major characters are all completely different. As shown both novels have no initial similarities, but by analyzing the work and digging deeper into the themes and the meaning behind the words of the text there are many similarities to be found. Such as the search for knowledge, the search for happiness, and determining right and wrong. Even though both novels are completely different as shown the theme that are shown in both novels areShow MoreRelatedThe Value And Knowledge Of Literature818 Words  | 4 Pagesof literature in our society is defined by its knowledge capacity and the benefit society has to gain from it. That is understanding the writing and the analysis of the writer’s intentions along with the amount of conveyed knowledge that we’re able to receive. 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She did this by empowering her main character, Victor Frankenstein, with the enlightenment values of individualism and self exploration; only in a very pessimistic and gloomy way. Through careful analysis of quotes from Mary Shelley s frankenstein from a psychoanalytic view we can reveal some of mary Shelley s true motives in how she designed her characters. Psychology is all about finding motives. It’s all about finding out why people think the way they think and why they act the wayRead MoreFrankenstein And The Psychologic And Moralistic Effects Of Community1521 Words  | 7 PagesFrankenstein and the Psychologic and Moralistic Effects of Community Dense, ominous storm cloud fill the night sky over the stone walls of a castle. Within the keep, a mad scientist goes to work with his instruments of horror. In his consuming madness, he hacks together decaying body parts on a grungy steel table. Grabbing rusted chains, the scientists hoists his creation to the sky. A tendril of lighting engulfs the elevated figure, stirring life inside it as its creator watches with psychotic screamsRead MoreJane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1733 Words  | 7 Pageselements of uncanny challenging reality.At certain points, the interactions between the conventions of the Gothic fictions with other thematic, ideological, and/or symbolic functions of the narrative would rather be challenging. However, though the analysis of Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte, certain factors come into focus.The novel of Charlotte Bronte entitled Jane Eyre has showcased a lot of issues that specifies how women in that time have been depicted by the exper iences that the protagonistRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1544 Words  | 7 PagesMary Shelley’s Frankenstein depicts the turbulent lives of Victor and his creation. Victor Frankenstein, who is a dedicated man of the science world and the creature, who is brought to the world because of Victor’s ability to animate become victims to themselves. Their irrational thinking and actions is a consistent reminder of their state of mind. They often times are regarded as â€Å"mad†or as a â€Å"mad man.†There is always confusion to whether or not they are truly insane. Although there isn’t a setRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1948 Words  | 8 Pagesare many critical analyses to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Two of these analyses bring forth varied interpretations. Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar wrote â€Å"Mary Shelley’s Monstrous Eve.†Anne K. Mellor wrote â€Å"Possessing Nature: The Female in Frank enstein.†Gilbert and Gubar argue that Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein from the influence of her family in order to represent her personal life and life events. Mellor argues that the author wrote Frankenstein in order to represent many themes upon the subjectRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley1544 Words  | 7 PagesMary Shelley’s Frankenstein depicts the turbulent lives of Victor and his creation. Victor Frankenstein, who is a dedicated man of the science world and the creature, who is brought to the world because of Victor’s ability to animate become victims to themselves. Their irrational thinking and actions is a consistent reminder of their state of mind. They often times are regarded as â€Å"mad†or as a â€Å"mad man.†There is always confusion to whether or not they are truly insane. Although there isn’t a setRead MoreThe Downfall of Victor Frankenstein1877 Words  | 8 Pages2010 The Downfall of Victor Frankenstein In many situations today, the children most common problem can be trace back to their family issue. Without a strong bond of relationship between their parents can consequently cause a destruction of children’s future. Even more, the children grow up unsteadily with aggressive behavior and the sign of depression. This has come to be a controversial issue and as well the depth of the story that is contain in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. To many misinterpretationsRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And Judith Guest s Ordinary People1842 Words  | 8 PagesNia Gordon June 10th, 2015 English 10/ G Band Ms. Kaufman Don’t Leave Me This Way: The Analysis of Abandonment in Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and Judith Guest’s Ordinary People Both Mary Shelley s Frankenstein and Judith Guest’s Ordinary People display the consistent theme of abandonment by guardians. Both protagonists, the Creature and Conrad, experience rejection from their parents and constantly try to search for love and attention in different aspects of society since they unfortunately can
Monday, December 9, 2019
Judicial Choices Essay Example For Students
Judicial Choices Essay Supreme Court conformations, much like everything else in politics andlife, changed over the years. Conformations grew from insignificant and routineappointments to vital and painstakingly prolonged trials, because of thechanges in the political parties and institutions. The parties found theSupreme Court to be a tool for increasing their power, which caused anincreased interest in conformations. The change in the Senate to lesshierarchical institution played part to the strategy of nomination for thepresident. The court played the role of power for the parties, through itsliberal or conservative decisions. In Judicial Choices, Mark Silversteinexplains the changes in the conformations by examining the changes in theDemocratic party, Republican party, Senate, and the power of the judiciary. Conformations affected political parties a great deal because theycreated new constituency and showed a dominance of power. The lose of theDemocratic partys hegemony caused it to find new methods of furthering itsagenda. Prior to the 1960s, the Democratic party maintained control of theelectorate with an overwhelming percentage.1 The New Deal produced interestfrom a mass constituency for the Democratic party because of the socialprograms. Many white southern democrats became republicans because of theincreased number of blacks in the Democratic party. Many white union membersand Catholics also left the party because they no longer thought of themselvesas the working middle class. The disorder in the party produced among otherthings a new attention to the staffing of the federal judiciary.2 Because ofthe lose in constituency, the Democratic party no longer had control of thepresidency so it needed to find other means to further its agenda. The supremecourt was that other method as dis played by the Warren Court after decidingliberal opinions like Roe v. Wade. The conformations of judges becameessential in this aspect to the Democrats in order to keep liberals on thecourt. The Republican party wanted to gain the New Right as part of itsconstituency. The New Right had very conservative views and it was against theliberal agenda of the Warren Court. Nixon campaigned against the court not hisopponent for the presidency to gain the New Right. Nixon said he would changethe court by nominating conservative judges who would balance the courts. Nixon nominated conservative judges to the court like Burger who was easilyaccepted to the court. His second and third nominations were fought andrejected by Congress partly because of their strong conservative views. By thetime of the Reagan-Bush era, nominees needed to have some quality to counteractthe fact that they were conservative to receive a conformation for the liberalCongress. Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day OConnor, a woman, and GeorgeBush nominated Clarence Thomas, a black man, to ease liberal apposition. Nolonger does the president think who is the best person to be on the court whendetermining a nomina tion. It is a combination of political strategies to gaina partisan member to the court and to deter opposition. The Senate became less hierarchical making Supreme Court conformationsunpredictable and difficult. The Senate of the pre-1960s had a strict set ofunwritten rules and pathways to power. The Senate conformed to a single moldwhere everyone spoke well of the other senators, no one brought attention tohim or herself at a national level, everyone specialized in one field, and newsenators were like children, who would not speak or be heard. In 1948, HubertHumphrey did not maintain these standards when he was elected into the Senateand he was shunned by most senators. By the 1960s, the Senate began totransform into an open forum of debate between all senators. Senators becamegeneralized with knowledge in many fields, and national recognition was soughtafter. This change made it very difficult to for presidents when nominating ajustice because, in the old Senate, the president only needed the vote of thepowerful senators, whales, and everyone else would follow their example. Now,the senate is made up of a diverse group who do not seek conformity so whalesare no longer the key to a conformation. This change was displayed when LyndonB. Johnson nominated Abe Fortas as chief justice. In 1968, Johnson got thewhales of the Senate to support Fortas. The scenario of a changing senateand rebellious minnow prevented Fortas from being chief justice. .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d , .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .postImageUrl , .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d , .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:hover , .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:visited , .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:active { border:0!important; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:active , .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u58548b45a03b6a3470985dab1b75164d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: ============================================================= HOME TEC EssayThe power of the judiciary went through a tremendous transformationfrom nonexistent to overwhelming. In the 1800s, the Supreme court had noactive role in government until Marbury v
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Margaret Thatcher Essay Analysis Essay Example
Margaret Thatcher Essay Analysis Essay During the play you get the notion that money rules all. As well as the classes, which are judged on amounts of money, there is a strong sense of money = life. This is shown when the inspector questions Mrs Burling about Eva Smith. When Eva Smith falls pregnant Eric, the father also son to Mrs Burling, realises money is needed and steals some from his father. Mrs Burling states, not knowing Eric has done this, that the decent thing the father should do is marry her, therefore giving her money. Mr Burling also thinks highly of money as he tries to pay the minimum wages to his factory workers therefore earning himself more. At the beginning of act one he talks about how it would be a good idea if his company and Geralds fathers should combined. This idea of his is truly based on how much money he can earn himself. Mrs Burling also seems to crave money, but tries to give you the impression that she is innocent. She tries to shush Mr Burling when he brings this up at the dining table and later suggests that they should talk in private. Now Arthur, I dont think you should talk business just quite now. In An Inspector Calls it is noticeable that everything that J. B. Priestley either features or makes fun of happens today. We will write a custom essay sample on Margaret Thatcher Essay Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Margaret Thatcher Essay Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Margaret Thatcher Essay Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Today there is prostitution, a big blame society and class structures. Money also plays a big part in the world today. You often see lots of people selling big issues. When a man of middle class walks past someone like this the initial reaction is Why are they there, what have they done to make themselves so low. Often people dont want to give money to them or even buy the magazine because people think theyre just going to use it to buy drugs etc. At the end of the play J. B. Priestley makes you think about how you have the urge you to improve society. Margaret Thatcher said in 1980 There is no society today. The youth at the end of the play provide some hope for society in their actions. This play is very clever and this is why it has remained so popular. I think that the drama of the play also plays a big part in why An Inspector Calls has remained so popular. J. B. Priestley said to make a good drama you have to cut out all the drink mixing etc and get on with the storyline. In the world today there is an element of how we like to feel somewhat clever and superior to others. This features in the play when Mrs Burling is talking about how the father of the baby is to blame and how he should be sent down for this. She says I blame the father for everything end of act two. Of course during her speech the audience have actually acknowledged who the father is and sits there just waiting for Mrs Burling to discover this as well. We like to see and enjoy a dislikeable character reduce down to size. When Sheila manages to get a word in she confronts her mother about Eric being the father and the guilt sets in. When Eric appears on the scene Mrs Burling tries to make up excuses for what shes said and looks for a scapegoat. But I didnt know it was you- I never dreamt. Besides, youre not the type- you dont get drunk. This cleverness and reducing the character down to size appeals to us and therefore make us want to watch more. During An Inspector Calls the characters talk about other people in the town and shops, bar etc. This gives the audience knowledge that there are more people other than the main characters involved with the play. It shows that the characters on stage arent the only people in the world. Each character has a main key to them, Mr Burling is a man mostly obsessed with money, Mrs Burling a woman who blames others, Eric a bit of a womaniser and Sheila a hopeful yet jealous person. By mentioning other people J. B. Priestley is trying to get the audience to realise that there is, for example, more than one money grubber in the world and perhaps we are all guilty sometimes of these things. This is a clever way of getting the audience involved and almost being part of the play. In an interview J . B. Priestly talked about this and said how it was important to include the world around them in the play because otherwise it makes the play seem totally based on the characters as if they are the only people on this world. J. B. Priestleys An Inspector Calls is a play mainly based around a family. It shows how they cope with whichever situation is thrown at them. During the play the characters snap and try to blame each other and Mr Burling, for example, becomes agitated. The audience become addicted and like the idea of watching characters dealing with difficult situations. Its quite pleasurable, I think, for the audience to watch each one of the characters suffer in a different way. The play then rapidly becomes realistic as people today probably react the same way as some of the characters. Individuals today become addicted to this type of play and modern versions a bit like An Inspector Calls are seen today. Programs like Big Brother and My Family are exact copies but with modern twists. In the play J. B. Priestly uses quite a lot of dramatic irony. He has cleverly crafted his story line so that it carries you part of the way and then suddenly drops you at the end. Up until nearly the end you know whats going to happen and realize that the inspector is a fake. Once the audience has understood the storyline there is an element of satisfaction as you think you know the storyline. Its not until the end when there is a telephone call saying there had been a suicide that you begin to wonder. The authors use of dramatic irony at the beginning is skilful, as it draws you into the play. When Mr Burling talks about how great the Titanic is and how there is never going to be war, you feel superior as you know that Mr Burlings knowledge is not very reliable. Mr Burling says: Therell be peace and prosperity and the Titanic- unsinkable. It also intrigues you about whats going to happen because of the characters lack of knowledge. Dramatic Irony also features when Mrs Burling accuses the father, of Eva Smiths baby, as irresponsible and a drunken young idler. In the play J. B. Priestley uses just a touch of humour. This enables the audience to relax more and become part of the play. By using humour it lightens the play and makes it more enjoyable for the audience. The type of humour J. B. Priestley uses is little amounts and sparingly. It breaks up the serious ideas in the play and allows the audience to digest the drama easily. The humour mostly features in the part played by the Inspector. I think this is because the audience envisage the inspector as quite a stern man. Like the storyline, Priestly has done this to allow the audience to digest him easily. The inspector says lines like We didnt think you meant Buckingham Palace and I dont play golf, its a shame. Finally J. B. Priestleys An Inspector calls, I think, tries to convey one important message to its audience; Helping others is the key to success. The play shows a very Christian message of how we need to make todays society better and to prove Margaret Thatchers saying wrong, and perhaps the views of Mr Burling, that there is no such thing as society. An Inspector Calls is a play which reaches out through the inspector to its audience. The inspector, a very careful but weighty man, shows us that there isnt a need in this world for jealously, shameful secrets or class structures. Through interrogating the rest of the characters he unveils each of their problems and shows us how it is wrong. An Inspector Calls has the ability to engross its audience and to educate them at the same time. It shows us that the lessons we learn from watching and reading this play may make us want to try and rebuild society today.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Developing Grand Strategies
Developing Grand Strategies It goes without saying that any multinational company faces a set of challenges in the local and international market in the course of time; the only ability to meet those challenges in a constructive way that would benefit the company performance in the short and long run is to do that strategically.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Developing Grand Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company management has to assess the current position in the market and think of wiser ways to utilize resources and costs, as well as the opportunities for the future expansion. Hence, the grand strategies designed within the company top’ executives may help not only to retain the competitive position of the company, but to enhance it and to gain the competitive advantage in the strategically essential market areas. However, before responding to the needs of global management and international expansion, one should e vidently take a proper case of securing the company’s position in the local market, since it represents the sound basis for further development. In case it is weak, the company is unlikely to achieve further success. This fact is also supported by the opinions of Bartlett, Ghoshal and Beamish (2008): â€Å"By responding to country level heterogeneity through local adaptation of products, services, and processes, a company can reap benefits in three fundamental areas: market share, price realization, and competitive position†(Bartlett, Ghoshal, Beamish, 2008, p. 81). The strategic need of taking care about the local capacity is also evident from the simulation outcomes: as soon as the Oz! à ¡ompany faced intense competition from the side of cheap Asian toys, and the increasing consolidation of toy industry at the domestic market, the administration decided not to strive for global dominance, but to consolidate its equity and retain its competitive position in the Qua drant I of the Competitive Position Matrix: strong competitive position under the conditions of rapid market growth (Developing Grand Strategies, 2010). Another strategy chosen by Oz! in response to the growing consumption through online stores launched by the Banzai America company may be called a grand strategy: it helped the company regain its strong competitive position in the market (Developing Grand Strategies, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More By means of acquiring the online shop and focusing on a new category of goods in which the customers showed their agile interest the Oz! company achieved the following goal: it provided coordinated services to global consumers (Bartlett, Ghoshal, Beamish, 2008). In addition, the company managed to respond to the evolving needs of the community that include raising volumes of online shopping, which helped Oz! obta in a serious share of the online toy shop market. Finally, the strategy adopted by Oz! in the situation of an ethical dilemma about the Buggs toy turned out highly successful because of the deep insight into the potential financial impact of the problem. The company administration decided to sell off a part of chain assets and to continue to focus on the current product lines without pursuing the attempts to enter the market of other toy categories. This strategy allowed Oz! to generate liquidity and to face the crisis with more flexibility in resources (Developing Grand Strategies, 2010). It was a wise and successful balancing act because of the risk reduction strategy employed in a critical situation (Bartlett, Ghoshal, Beamish, 2008). The administration of Oz! could not help realizing that the scandal about Buggs would entail serious financial consequences for the company. Hence, they ensured maneuver force for themselves and managed to retain the majority of their capacities. A s one can see from the present case study, the pursuit of achieving and retaining global presence is a complex strategic action. In order to secure the position in the international market, a company should initially focus on its local strengths and optimize resource and cost allocation. In cases of crisis or ethical problems, companies should provide more flexibility for their assets and respond to the crisis correspondingly. The strategic implications should be regarded both in the short and long run as they are likely to have to profound impact on the company performance and will affect its competitive position both in the local and international markets.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Developing Grand Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Bartlett, C.A., Ghoshal, S., Beamish, P. (2008). Transnational Management: Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross−Border Management. (5th ed.). New York: T he McGraw-Hill Companies. Developing Grand Strategies (2010). Web.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Use of Question Tags in English
The Use of Question Tags in English A tag question is a question added to a declarative sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, verify that something has been understood, or confirm that an action has occurred. Also known as a question tag. Common tags include: wont you? wasnt it? dont you? havent you? okay? and right? Examples and Observations If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?(attributed to Albert Einstein)Theres nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?(Randal Graves in Clerks, 1994)I like New York in June, how about you? I like a Gershwin tune, how about you? (Burton Lane and Ralph Freed, How About You, 1941)A toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isnt it? (Morgan Freeman as Red in The Shawshank Redemption, 1994)This time we almost made the pieces fit, didnt we? This time we almost made some sense of it, didnt we? (Jim Webb, Didnt We? 1968)Now eventually you might have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right? (Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park, 1993)But we mustnt think it has all been wasted, must we? We must remember the good times, mustnt we? (Eva Figes, Nellys Version. Secker Warburg, 1977)To actually see inside your ear canalit would be fascinating, wouldnt it? (Letter from Sonus, a hearing-aid company, quoted in The New Y orker, Mar. 24, 2003) I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you knew, didnt you? Oh, its just a harmless little bunny, isnt it? (Tim in Monty Python and the Holy Grail) Clause Types With Tag Questions Question tags are not independent clauses, but they do require a response, and are highly interactive. Structurally, interrogatives are abbreviated yes/no interrogatives consisting of an operator (either positive or negative) and a pronoun, which repeats the subject or substitutes for it. Question tags are attached to one of the following clause types: Of these, the declarative is by far the most common. (Angela Downing, English Grammar: A University Course. Taylor Francis, 2006)A declarative clause: It was quiet in there, wasnt it?An exclamative clause: How quiet it was in there, wasnt it?An imperative clause: Be quiet for a moment, will you? The Danger of Tag Questions There were plenty of good seats, as it happened, for the train was not crowded, and Richard was able to select an empty compartment. He was soon joined, however, by a stout, good-natured countryman who selected the seat opposite Richard, opened his newspaper, and became immediately social. Ave ye read about second murder? he exclaimed. Richard frowned, and replied rather shortly. Yes. Gruesome, isnt it? He wished he had not added the isnt it? for this invited a continuation of the conversation, and Richard was not feeling social himself. (J. Jefferson Farjeon, The Z Murders. Collins, 1932) Commas With Tag Questions Place a comma between a statement and the brief question that follows it when the subject of the statement and the subject of the question is the same entity (example 1). When they have different subjects, the statement and the question must be punctuated as separate grammatical elements (example 2).Examples(David K Woodroof, Woodroofs Quotations, Commas and Other Things English. iUniverse, 2005)George was not there, was he?I will never stay in that hotel again. Will you? Also Known As: tag declarative, question tag (chiefly British), interrogative tag
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Net-Centric Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Net-Centric Computing - Essay Example Net-centric computing is designed to achieve optimal performance of all the resources. James Robertson, the founder of Step Two designs, a vendor neutral consultancy located in Australia has an article on 10 principles of effective information management (KM. 1 November 2005). The article describes the concerns that users face in the implementation of information management. He also discusses the challenges in implementing information management effectively (Robertson, 2005). QUESTION: Are Robertson’s 10 principles easier or harder to apply in the context of a network? The application of James Robertson’s principles on a network is much easier (Albert, 2002). This can be attributed to the fact that a network, though varying in complexity, is somewhat less complicated than information management. This is discussed by breaking down the principles in a networking scenario. Recognize (and manage) complexity This principle explains the recognition and management of co mplexity. According to Robertson, this should be done when faced with complexity and a dynamic approach should be taken. When setting up a network, many variables are considered because the network is bound to grow and advance. With advancement complexities are bound to arise. With this principle, the complexities are easily projected, recognized and contingencies put in place to manage them as they arise. Focus on adoption The biggest challenge this principle faces in information management is that the staff need to actively participate and if they don’t, the required information won’t be captured. Before a network is designed the necessity of it has to be thoroughly evaluated, that is, who are the users, are there appropriate applications available, are the services and data coordinated to ensure efficiency? With all this needs evaluated, when it comes to implementation, adoption is not a problem. Deliver tangible and visible benefits Before a network is designed, go als have to be set. Design testing has to be done before implementation. During testing, all the goals have to be met with sufficient results before implementation; this ensures that the network always delivers (Robertson, 2005). Prioritize according to business needs The need for priorities is always there, and it always determines which tasks will be done first. In a network, this eliminates the time wasted on tasks that will not bring efficiency first, so the most important and critical are performed first. Take a journey of a thousand steps Because it is almost impossible to account for every detail in any setting, in a network the principle will dictate that, the most optimal solution be used and the changes, that will occur, will be handled periodically. Provide strong leadership In any project, the capability of the project leader will always determine the success of that project. In networking, a lot of coordination is required between the different sections, and with strong leadership, the project runs smoother, and probability for errors, and failure is significantly reduced. Mitigate risks No matter how well planned a project may be, errors can always happen, for example, the failure of a server is always unseen. Good risk management always reduces the damage that is done when problems occur. For example, frequent backup, will reduce the amount of data lost during a server failure. Communicate extensively Good communication is always essential when many parties are involved. A network is composed
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Operating systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Operating systems - Essay Example It should be noted that the 64-bit operating system exist. The administrator then creates the answer file before embarking on the installation process. The answer file can be created using the text-editor or setup manager. The administrator should run the setup using special command line parameter. It instructs the setup to read the answer file. Therefore, the setup would not prompt the user for an action on installation and configuration; instructions on the answer file are followed. The administrator begins the unattended installation by restarting the computer. The actions specified in the answer file are carried out to the latter. The operating system, windows Server 2003 performs the post installation tasks. The process has two tools for a built-in mechanism which have different uses in different processes. The tools include System Preparation, denoted as Sysprep and Remote Installation Service, denoted as RIS. The tools are mainly utilized during image-based installation. Using the Sysprep tool requires the technician to create a master installation then create a disk image (Azad, Wilson & Wright, 2008). During creation of the answer file it is recommendable that the technician uses the setup manager tool since it is like a wizard; it prompts the user for a series of parameters in configuring the system then writes to the answer file. The technician is, thus, not required to identify the syntax of writing the answer
Sunday, November 17, 2019
There Are No Children Here Essay Example for Free
There Are No Children Here Essay Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate. (Anonymous)†In the 1980 Chicago slums this quote couldn’t be truer. The slums were/are a terrible place for not just children, but everyone to live. The Henry Horner homes in particular are full of death, drugs, and poverty. This may not seem like the greatest place for children to be raised, but for some, they know nothing different. The constant gang trouble, drug trafficking, and hiding from stray bullets are an everyday occurrence for people living in these government housing complexes. The devastation is a never-ending cycle. The parents get into drugs and violence, and the children have no choice but to imitate their parents and everyone around them as they grow up. The end of the cycle is unseen for most, but for some, such as Lajoe Rivers that cycle will end with her youngest five children. â€Å"But you know, there are no children here. They’ve seen too much to be children. (Lajoe)†The plot begins in the summer of 1987, the boys, Lafeyette and Pharoah Rivers are enjoying their time near the tracks searching for snakes. Here, the boys could be children. They could let their imaginations run wild and they could just take a break from the horrible life they have waiting at home. Lafeyette and Pharoah are a part of large family living in the Chicago projects. Their mother, Lajoe, has eight children; the three older ones have slowly fallen off the deep end, but the five younger have a chance to do good. Lajoe takes great pride in her children and does everything she can to raise them to be upstanding citizens and stay out of trouble. She is greatly disappointed in the way her first three turned out, so she makes it a point to keep the younger kids under strict supervision. Because of the absence of their drug addicted father, Lafeyette, a child himself, takes the role of man of the house. He looks out for his siblings and takes care of his mother. Even when Lajoe loses her welfare check, her Lafeyette stands strong and reassures her it will all be ok. During the course of their lives, the children face everything from drugs, violence, rape, imprisonment, and worse of all, death. They learn quickly that they must grow up fast to overcome the despair that shadows their everyday lives. Lajoe tries hard to preserve the youth of Pharoah and the triplets. Because of this, most of the responsibility gets put on Lafeyette and his childhood is quickly taken from him. Throughout the boy’s lives, there are significant events that shape the way they grow up and how they learn to cope with their surroundings. For Lafeyette, losing several close friends to violent deaths results in him hating gangs, and also resenting police officers. Pharoah eventually finds himself having bad feelings towards the white people that just offer ridicule and never help, to the worthless black boys. Racism plays a huge role in the boy’s lives, and the older they get the more they can see and understand it. But, in the end, Lajoe is successful in what she dreamed and hoped for. Lafeyette, Pharoah, and the triplets all turn out to be good kids and for the most part, stay out of trouble. The housing complex is fixed up with the arrival of Vincent Lane, and news of Terence getting his GED warms his mother’s heart. Among the main characters is a young boy, Pharoah Rivers. Pharoah, around nine years old in the beginning of the book is the fifth child born of Lajoe Rivers. Life in the projects takes a great toll on poor young Pharoah. He is old enough to know what is going on, but still young enough that he hides behind his youth to shield himself from the terrifying experiences of most children living in the Henry Horner homes. Throughout the story, Pharoah’s character changes on an up and down roller coaster. In the beginning he is a very shy, innocent, youthful young boy who tends to keep to himself. He spends most of his days daydreaming to escape his scary life. He thinks about the trees, the dog, the snakes, all the smaller things in life and it makes him happy. He is often ridiculed for being small for his age, but his drive for knowledge makes up for his size and he excels in school. Although Pharoah struggles with a stutter and it seems to get worse throughout most of his childhood, he manages to overcome it and takes great pleasure in answering questions and speaking out in class. His mother relished in the fact that her son was so brilliant for his age, and often bragged about the young boy. Pharoah is Pharoah. He’s going to be something,†she would tell friends. â€Å"When he was a baby, I held him up and asked him if he’d be the one. I’ve always wanted to see one of my kids graduate from high school. I asked him if he’d be the one to get me a diploma. †(Lajoe, 116) I feel that out of all the characters in the book, I relate most to Pharoah. Although I am not a small black boy living in the projects, nor do I have any similar life experiences; our personalities parallel in several different ways. Growing up I was the small stick girl that everyone else would make fun of. Because of my bony figure I was often teased and thought to be younger than I really was. And like Pharoah, I learned to look past how small I was and build all my strength and power with my mind. I excelled in school every year of my life. Through elementary school I was awarded certificates for my achievements and enrolled into the â€Å"Talented and Gifted†program at my school. I was smart for my age, almost a couple years ahead in some subjects. This persisted through middle school, high school, and even through college. I strive to do my best, just as Pharoah does. I can imagine that Pharoah’s mind looks somewhat like mine did when I was his age. I had the biggest imagination and often used it as an escape from normal life. No, normal life for me was not drugs, gangs, and street violence; but I still had a sometimes empty and scary reality. My military family and I lived overseas all of my childhood and my father was often absent due to fighting for our country. Every day he was gone my siblings and I would wonder if we would ever get to see him again, or if he would be killed doing his job and never return. That was my scary reality, and the constant absence of my father caused me to daydream and life in a fantasy world most of my days. Because of this, I can understand why Pharoah tries so hard to hold onto his childhood and how he can life every day in a daydream to escape the harsh reality of his life. â€Å"As the young children pursued each other from one end of the parking lot to the other, Pharoah stood by himself on the building’s back stoop. He leaned on the black metal bannister. Chin in hand, and stared into space, paying little attention to the shrieking children just a few yards away. (Kotlowitz, 61) Poverty, the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor (Webster Dictionary). Poverty is a constant issue for not only the America, but all over the world. This theme runs the course of the books narrative, and is clearly shown in the lives of Project inhabitants. Throughout the story the cycle of poverty is clea rly shown. The living conditions and dependence on welfare is a definite example of what poverty looks like. Gangs run the streets, drugs run the gangs; and with both of these comes violence. For most in the Projects, the only way to live is through illegal activity. Often it is easier to get into and faster to make money. And for most, it is nearly impossible to escape. In the book there is mention of â€Å"The Other America†, referring to the projects. Because America strives to be the greatest country citizens often try to hide the poverty that runs our inner city streets. For the wealthy it is easier to just turn away and pretend this â€Å"other America†doesn’t exist. â€Å"Horner sat so close to the city’s business district that from the Sears Tower observation deck, tourists could have watched Lafeyette duck gunfire on his birthday. (Kotlowitz, 13) Poverty is a reality for many Americans. The constant reliance on food stamps, welfare, and government housing is what these people live like. The sad thing is that Americans would rather pretend this doesn’t go on in our country than do anything to fix it. For me, this doesn’t make any sense. Because my mother works for First Steps; a government funded program for underprivileged families with children with disabilities, I have seen firsthand what poverty in America looks like. When I help my mother on her job and we enter the run down unsubsidized houses or the broken down trailers and shacks it gives me the overwhelming feeling of hate and anger towards our government and people. There is no reason there should be so much poverty in our country. I feel if American citizens would stop worrying about everyone else in the world and just try to fix our country; a majority of poverty could be eliminated. â€Å"Many times, American citizens talk about helping abroad in underdeveloped countries. As an international student, I appreciate that. However, if there is poverty right across the street, why not help those of where you live? †(Molina, 1) Exactly! Why are we sending so much money out of our nation? In the end all that is going to do is hurt us. America is not the only country to have problems with sending money away; a British writer states that it would be immoral to withdraw their funds to lesser countries, but the rich should also be more generous in the sense that they give more to their own country, not everyone else (Glennie). A little generosity is all it takes. Ther are many people in America that have millions of dollars. It doesn’t take much to feed a needy family, so why do they hoard the money? Due to the governmental changes, and the economy failing, the American Government is putting more and more of its people into poverty. The numbers of jobless, homeless, starving families is reaching new heights and isn’t going to stop until people help each other out (Shaft). The first step to fixing poverty in America is to look and realize it’s here. There should not be people growing up in the â€Å"Other America†, this should not exist. Americans need to come together and get the country straight. I know it is easier said than done, but nothing will get done until someone first says something about it. People like Lajoe and her family don’t need to live in fear, not in the greatest country in the world.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Essays - Use of Imagery in Young Goodman Brown :: Free Essay Writer
Use of Imagery in  Young Goodman Brown   According to A Handbook of Critical Approaches, the Formalistic Approach is one â€Å"with a methodology.† The Formalistic Approach requires a critic to examine the structure, or form, of a literary work. For example, studying the imagery of a literary work can make the theme more apparent. â€Å"Images emerge as more and more important†¦certain images, or colors†¦keep coming up†¦. Bit by formal bit, we think we begin to see a theme emerging from the work.†(Guerin, 74-75). Young Goodman Brown is the story of an innocent young man who realizes the imperfections and flaws of the world and its people, including himself. This knowledge is very painful and shocking to Young Goodman Brown just as knowledge was painful for the prisoners in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The imagery used in Young Goodman Brown amplifies the theme of the loss of innocence. Images of the sunset and of a journey and several others appear throughout the story to amplify the theme of Young Goodman Brown.    For example, in the beginning of the story, Young Goodman Brown is leaving his wife Faith at sunset to go on a journey that cannot wait. The images of a sunset and of the approaching nighttime illustrate the fear of the unknown. Goodman Brown must travel through the darkness before he reaches the light of knowledge just as the prisoners in Allegory of the Cave must travel from the dark cave in order to reach the light. As the story continues, Hawthorne uses the image of a â€Å"dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest†to heighten the fear of the unknown. Goodman Brown has left the comfort of the cave of confusion and is beginning to discover the imperfections of the world and of its people.    A teacher, who had â€Å"an indescribable air of one who knew the world†, leads Goodman Brown from the cave. His teacher continually leads him along the path to enlightenment despite Goodman Brown’s attempts â€Å"to return whence I came.† Goodman Brown learns that people are not perfect and that â€Å"good†people sometimes do â€Å"bad†things. People who Goodman Brown views as perfect, like the governor and his Sunday school teacher are exposed as imperfect people who lie and cheat and steal by using the images of a stolen broom and a promise to be queen of Hell.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Scm Micromaxx and Rim
SCM of Research In Motion & Micromaxx India An assignmemt of Supply Chain Management Submitted to Ms. Hemlata Madam Faculty (S. R. Luthra Institute Of Management) BY Farhan 118050592017 Asmita 118050592050 March 20, 2013 BlackBerry BlackBerry is committed to ensuring that the management of supply chain activities is socially and environmentally responsible. As a multinational company it recognizes that supply chain operations reach many parts of the globe and a diverse range of communities, each with their own culture and business normsThere are certain standards of employment and environmental performance that must be respected wherever they operate or have business relationships. These standards are encapsulated in our Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier compliance with the BlackBerry Supplier Code of Conduct and Responsible Minerals Policy is an expectation for doing business and is fundamental to supplier engagement activities. This Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively.Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code. Section E adds standards relating to business ethics. BlackBerry continues to be an active participant in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). Supply chain social responsibility Implementation BlackBerry uses a risk-based approach for monitoring supplier conformance to Supplier Code of Conduct. In fiscal 2012, BlackBerry established an enhanced process for evaluating supplier social and environmental responsibility (SER) risk and prioritizing suppliers for assessments.The first step is a high-level risk assessment based on such factors as supplier location, commodity, relationship and history. The high-level risk assessment intended to be conducted annually on identified supplier list. The output of this assessment is a prioritized lis t of suppliers, who will be required to complete detailed self-assessments. BlackBerry intends to use the EICC-ON system to gather this information. BlackBerry supports a common industry solution to supplier SER management and is actively engaged in the continued development of the system through work with EICC.Freely chosen employment in our supply chains BlackBerry supports the principle of freely chosen employment and does not support the use of slave labor in any of its forms, including forced labor and child labor. Supply chain carbon reporting BlackBerry is participating in the EICC’s carbon reporting system. Through this system it will survey many of direct suppliers of materials, which will give insight into the carbon emissions associated with BlackBerry’s supply chain.It will help us to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to work with suppliers on projects to reduce carbon emissions. It will also help to raise awareness within supply chain of the impact of carbon emissions on the environment and the benefits that can be gained through reduction programs. Conflict minerals BlackBerry does not support the use of minerals that are illegally mined, transported or traded, nor metals derived from such minerals, including gold, tantalum (columbite-tantalite), tin (cassiterite) and tungsten (wolframite).Learn more about BlackBerry work to address conflict minerals Supply chain conflict minerals due diligence BlackBerry is an active participant in the piloting of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. They launched program in early 2012 with a request sent to more than 170 direct suppliers of materials to provide information regarding their minerals sourcing practices. The results will enable to have a greater understanding about the sourcing practices of our suppliers.Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade In 2011 the US State Department launched the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade. This is a joint initiative between governments, companies and civil society to support supply chain solutions to conflict minerals challenges in the DRC and the Great Lakes region of Africa. BlackBerry has joined this initiative, which aims to help the governments of the DRC and other countries in the region break the link between the illicit minerals trade and ongoing violence and human rights abuses. Supplier diversityThe BlackBerry Supplier Diversity Program works to create mutually beneficial business relationships with diverse suppliers that strengthen communities. The goal is to provide opportunities to diverse suppliers who satisfy purchasing and contractual standards. Diverse businesses include small businesses, businesses owned by veterans, minorities or women, and those in historically underutilized business zones. Sourcing areas of the corporation are encouraged to identify and in clude diverse suppliers and consultants in the procurement process. BlackBerry Supplier Diversity ProgramBlackBerry's Supplier Diversity Program aims to achieve corporate diversity goals while enabling growth in the communities in which they operate by providing opportunities for qualified small, diverse and women-owned businesses. They strive to create vendor–buyer relationships that allow diverse organizations to continue to develop, while offering quality products at competitive prices. Included in program are: 1. Minority-owned businesses certified by the National Minority Supplier Development Council in the U. S. and by the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council in Canada 2.Women Business Enterprises certified by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council in the U. S. and by WeConnect in Canada 3. Small Businesses certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 4. Veteran-Owned and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned busines ses certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 5. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone businesses certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration Objectives include: 1. Actively seeking out certified diverse suppliers that can provide competitive, high-quality goods and services with business models that align with our business strategy. . Seeking the inclusion of diverse suppliers as a part of our strategic sourcing and procurement process. 3. Communicating the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to stakeholders. 4. Leveraging our supplier diversity results to help meet the supplier diversity expectations of our customers. Networking Project managers, commodity managers, buyers and contractors are encouraged to attend diverse supplier trade fairs and expositions to identify and establish business relationships.BlackBerry endeavours to meet with diverse businesses at procurement conferences in order to explain purchasing proce sses and expectations and to communicate our needs for products and services. Mentoring BlackBerry offers a mentoring program where employees have the opportunity to provide assistance to diverse suppliers in the areas of business planning, product/service pricing, financial planning, marketing, technical knowledge, brochures, the bidding process, paperwork simplification and workflow. We also encourage some of our largest suppliers to mentor diverse suppliers.Supplier diversity affiliations BlackBerry is committed to growing our diverse supplier network through partnerships with the following organizations and other local diversity councils: 1. U. S. Small Business Adminstration (SBA) 2. National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) 3. Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) 4. Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) 5. Women-Owned Enterprise Connect, CA (WeConnect – Canada) Value Chain Analysis (VCA) [pic] Primary Activities Inbou nd Logistic Automated Receiving SystemsRIM has implemented sophisticated automated receiving systems to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements. Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions RIM works its OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale RIM outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal DesignThe design and conceptualization of current and future product is done internally at RIM, utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering. Outbound Logistic Economical/Stylish Packaging In order to save money on shipment an entice customers Blackberry use eye-catching packaging that takes up less physical space and weight less. This reduces shipping c osts and environmental effect while attracting customers to the firm’s products, Worldwide Blackberry Store To control the firm’s brand image RIM sells Blackberry products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers.Direct shipment Blackberry. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations in the Canada. Marketing and Sales RIM is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specific product/product line marketing; and multiple channel programs.Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of RIM services and products in all key segments. Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Services Creates the first and last impressions our customers have of our business. Deliver a consistently superior experience across all areas where the customer is engaged. Provide BlackBerry device, software, account, andtechnical support to millions of end-users. Support ActivitiesGeneral Administration RIM general administrator tracks and reconciles global benefits invoices, ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management RIM Human Resources team consists of dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate about RIM allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team. This passion also drives us to enhanc e our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale.The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with RIM hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development BlackBerry smart phone plans to open a research and development operation. RIM has more than 30 million subscribers. In the third quarter of 2012, it shipped more than 10million devices. Patent Filling Blackberry believes in the importance of protecting its intellectual capital by filling patents in U. S and worldwide for its inventions and innovations. MICROMAXMicromax is one of the leading Indian Telecom Companies with 23domestic offices across the country and international offices in HongKong, USA, Dubai and now in Nepal. With a futuristic vision and an exhaustive R&D at its helm, Micromax has successfully generated innovative technologies that have revolutionized the telecom consumer space. Micromax is on a mission to successfully overcome the technological barriers and constantly engender life enhancing solutions The company’s vision is to develop path-breaking technologies and efficient processes that incubate newer markets, enliven customer aspirations.DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Micromax managed to make dealers pay in advance by offering them more margins. It offered higher margins of 15 %margin, which is higher than the industry average of 6-10%. Micromax managed this hurdle through strategy of more margins for advance payment. It is not a new strategy to offer such kind of discounts for advance payments (cash discounts), but to make a retailer accept such an offer is indeed a remarkable feat . To increase penetration in the Indian telecom market, Micromax is bundling with telecom operators such as Aircel.For better accessibly and prominence in the market, Micromax is coming up with 150 experience zones (exclusive stores)across the nation, in addi tion to ensuring bigger presence at the multi branded stores. Corporate Level strategies 1. Expansion strategy 2. Resource allocation: heavy investment in R&D, lately heavy investment in brand building. 3. Wide portfolio catering to diverse segments. 4. Business Level strategies: 5. Unique Fusion of Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation. 6. Following a Frontal and Flanking attack strategy. 7.Products are mostly in the embryonic and growth stages. Functional Level Strategies 1. Product Innovation 2. Rapid channel expansion 3. Targeting widest customer base ( Rural + Youth) 4. 360 Degree advertising 5. Innovative advertising 6. Effective and accurate segmentation 7. Excellent Supply Chain management (Delivering value to each channel member). KEY ELEMENTS OF SCM 1. Easy access to rural markets in India by product innovation in form of dual sim phones and 30 day battery life phones 2. Offering margins and commissions to distributors 3.Lean, cash-based supply chain means Microma x has to be much more accurate and faster in its forecasting compared to its bigger competitors. 4. Time-to-market from the design to production stage is around 3 months as compared to the 18 months taken by larger guys 5. It puts new designs on the shelves by leveraging with China. Primary Activities Inbound Logistic Commission and Margin Offerings Micromaxx has implemented simple discounts and margins to distributors to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements.Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions Micromaxx partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process from China but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale Micromaxx outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal Design The design and conceptualization of current and future product is done inte rnally as well as externally , utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering.Outbound Logistic Economical Packaging Micromax uses a push mail service called easy mail. Idea was to package the phone pack like a parcel Worldwide Stores To control the firm’s brand image Micromaxx products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers in India, China, Srilanka and Nepal Direct shipment Micromaxx. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China,gurgaon. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations . Marketing and SalesMicromaxx is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specifi c product/product line marketing; and multiple channel programs. Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of services and products in all key segments.Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Support Activities General Administration Micromaxx general administrator tracks and ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management Human Resources team consists of dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team.This passion also drives us to enhance our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale. The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development Plans to set up a research and development centre in China by the year-end at an investment of Rs 50 crore. The centre will help customise phones at the manufacturing level company, since we import from China. The software development will continue in Gurgaon. Scm Micromaxx and Rim SCM of Research In Motion & Micromaxx India An assignmemt of Supply Chain Management Submitted to Ms. Hemlata Madam Faculty (S. R. Luthra Institute Of Management) BY Farhan 118050592017 Asmita 118050592050 March 20, 2013 BlackBerry BlackBerry is committed to ensuring that the management of supply chain activities is socially and environmentally responsible. As a multinational company it recognizes that supply chain operations reach many parts of the globe and a diverse range of communities, each with their own culture and business normsThere are certain standards of employment and environmental performance that must be respected wherever they operate or have business relationships. These standards are encapsulated in our Supplier Code of Conduct Supplier compliance with the BlackBerry Supplier Code of Conduct and Responsible Minerals Policy is an expectation for doing business and is fundamental to supplier engagement activities. This Code is made up of five sections. Sections A, B, and C outline standards for Labor, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively.Section D outlines the elements of an acceptable system to manage conformity to this Code. Section E adds standards relating to business ethics. BlackBerry continues to be an active participant in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). Supply chain social responsibility Implementation BlackBerry uses a risk-based approach for monitoring supplier conformance to Supplier Code of Conduct. In fiscal 2012, BlackBerry established an enhanced process for evaluating supplier social and environmental responsibility (SER) risk and prioritizing suppliers for assessments.The first step is a high-level risk assessment based on such factors as supplier location, commodity, relationship and history. The high-level risk assessment intended to be conducted annually on identified supplier list. The output of this assessment is a prioritized lis t of suppliers, who will be required to complete detailed self-assessments. BlackBerry intends to use the EICC-ON system to gather this information. BlackBerry supports a common industry solution to supplier SER management and is actively engaged in the continued development of the system through work with EICC.Freely chosen employment in our supply chains BlackBerry supports the principle of freely chosen employment and does not support the use of slave labor in any of its forms, including forced labor and child labor. Supply chain carbon reporting BlackBerry is participating in the EICC’s carbon reporting system. Through this system it will survey many of direct suppliers of materials, which will give insight into the carbon emissions associated with BlackBerry’s supply chain.It will help us to identify areas for improvement and opportunities to work with suppliers on projects to reduce carbon emissions. It will also help to raise awareness within supply chain of the impact of carbon emissions on the environment and the benefits that can be gained through reduction programs. Conflict minerals BlackBerry does not support the use of minerals that are illegally mined, transported or traded, nor metals derived from such minerals, including gold, tantalum (columbite-tantalite), tin (cassiterite) and tungsten (wolframite).Learn more about BlackBerry work to address conflict minerals Supply chain conflict minerals due diligence BlackBerry is an active participant in the piloting of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. They launched program in early 2012 with a request sent to more than 170 direct suppliers of materials to provide information regarding their minerals sourcing practices. The results will enable to have a greater understanding about the sourcing practices of our suppliers.Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade In 2011 the US State Department launched the Public-Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade. This is a joint initiative between governments, companies and civil society to support supply chain solutions to conflict minerals challenges in the DRC and the Great Lakes region of Africa. BlackBerry has joined this initiative, which aims to help the governments of the DRC and other countries in the region break the link between the illicit minerals trade and ongoing violence and human rights abuses. Supplier diversityThe BlackBerry Supplier Diversity Program works to create mutually beneficial business relationships with diverse suppliers that strengthen communities. The goal is to provide opportunities to diverse suppliers who satisfy purchasing and contractual standards. Diverse businesses include small businesses, businesses owned by veterans, minorities or women, and those in historically underutilized business zones. Sourcing areas of the corporation are encouraged to identify and in clude diverse suppliers and consultants in the procurement process. BlackBerry Supplier Diversity ProgramBlackBerry's Supplier Diversity Program aims to achieve corporate diversity goals while enabling growth in the communities in which they operate by providing opportunities for qualified small, diverse and women-owned businesses. They strive to create vendor–buyer relationships that allow diverse organizations to continue to develop, while offering quality products at competitive prices. Included in program are: 1. Minority-owned businesses certified by the National Minority Supplier Development Council in the U. S. and by the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council in Canada 2.Women Business Enterprises certified by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council in the U. S. and by WeConnect in Canada 3. Small Businesses certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 4. Veteran-Owned and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned busines ses certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration 5. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone businesses certified by the U. S. Small Business Administration Objectives include: 1. Actively seeking out certified diverse suppliers that can provide competitive, high-quality goods and services with business models that align with our business strategy. . Seeking the inclusion of diverse suppliers as a part of our strategic sourcing and procurement process. 3. Communicating the value of supplier diversity both internally and externally to stakeholders. 4. Leveraging our supplier diversity results to help meet the supplier diversity expectations of our customers. Networking Project managers, commodity managers, buyers and contractors are encouraged to attend diverse supplier trade fairs and expositions to identify and establish business relationships.BlackBerry endeavours to meet with diverse businesses at procurement conferences in order to explain purchasing proce sses and expectations and to communicate our needs for products and services. Mentoring BlackBerry offers a mentoring program where employees have the opportunity to provide assistance to diverse suppliers in the areas of business planning, product/service pricing, financial planning, marketing, technical knowledge, brochures, the bidding process, paperwork simplification and workflow. We also encourage some of our largest suppliers to mentor diverse suppliers.Supplier diversity affiliations BlackBerry is committed to growing our diverse supplier network through partnerships with the following organizations and other local diversity councils: 1. U. S. Small Business Adminstration (SBA) 2. National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) 3. Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) 4. Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC) 5. Women-Owned Enterprise Connect, CA (WeConnect – Canada) Value Chain Analysis (VCA) [pic] Primary Activities Inbou nd Logistic Automated Receiving SystemsRIM has implemented sophisticated automated receiving systems to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements. Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions RIM works its OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale RIM outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal DesignThe design and conceptualization of current and future product is done internally at RIM, utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering. Outbound Logistic Economical/Stylish Packaging In order to save money on shipment an entice customers Blackberry use eye-catching packaging that takes up less physical space and weight less. This reduces shipping c osts and environmental effect while attracting customers to the firm’s products, Worldwide Blackberry Store To control the firm’s brand image RIM sells Blackberry products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers.Direct shipment Blackberry. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations in the Canada. Marketing and Sales RIM is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specific product/product line marketing; and multiple channel programs.Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of RIM services and products in all key segments. Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Services Creates the first and last impressions our customers have of our business. Deliver a consistently superior experience across all areas where the customer is engaged. Provide BlackBerry device, software, account, andtechnical support to millions of end-users. Support ActivitiesGeneral Administration RIM general administrator tracks and reconciles global benefits invoices, ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management RIM Human Resources team consists of dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate about RIM allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team. This passion also drives us to enhanc e our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale.The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with RIM hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development BlackBerry smart phone plans to open a research and development operation. RIM has more than 30 million subscribers. In the third quarter of 2012, it shipped more than 10million devices. Patent Filling Blackberry believes in the importance of protecting its intellectual capital by filling patents in U. S and worldwide for its inventions and innovations. MICROMAXMicromax is one of the leading Indian Telecom Companies with 23domestic offices across the country and international offices in HongKong, USA, Dubai and now in Nepal. With a futuristic vision and an exhaustive R&D at its helm, Micromax has successfully generated innovative technologies that have revolutionized the telecom consumer space. Micromax is on a mission to successfully overcome the technological barriers and constantly engender life enhancing solutions The company’s vision is to develop path-breaking technologies and efficient processes that incubate newer markets, enliven customer aspirations.DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY Micromax managed to make dealers pay in advance by offering them more margins. It offered higher margins of 15 %margin, which is higher than the industry average of 6-10%. Micromax managed this hurdle through strategy of more margins for advance payment. It is not a new strategy to offer such kind of discounts for advance payments (cash discounts), but to make a retailer accept such an offer is indeed a remarkable feat . To increase penetration in the Indian telecom market, Micromax is bundling with telecom operators such as Aircel.For better accessibly and prominence in the market, Micromax is coming up with 150 experience zones (exclusive stores)across the nation, in addi tion to ensuring bigger presence at the multi branded stores. Corporate Level strategies 1. Expansion strategy 2. Resource allocation: heavy investment in R&D, lately heavy investment in brand building. 3. Wide portfolio catering to diverse segments. 4. Business Level strategies: 5. Unique Fusion of Cost Leadership and Product Differentiation. 6. Following a Frontal and Flanking attack strategy. 7.Products are mostly in the embryonic and growth stages. Functional Level Strategies 1. Product Innovation 2. Rapid channel expansion 3. Targeting widest customer base ( Rural + Youth) 4. 360 Degree advertising 5. Innovative advertising 6. Effective and accurate segmentation 7. Excellent Supply Chain management (Delivering value to each channel member). KEY ELEMENTS OF SCM 1. Easy access to rural markets in India by product innovation in form of dual sim phones and 30 day battery life phones 2. Offering margins and commissions to distributors 3.Lean, cash-based supply chain means Microma x has to be much more accurate and faster in its forecasting compared to its bigger competitors. 4. Time-to-market from the design to production stage is around 3 months as compared to the 18 months taken by larger guys 5. It puts new designs on the shelves by leveraging with China. Primary Activities Inbound Logistic Commission and Margin Offerings Micromaxx has implemented simple discounts and margins to distributors to speed up the receiving process and reduce facility footprint and storage space requirements.Delegate Raw Materials Acquisitions Micromaxx partners to delegate the raw materials acquisition process from China but provides some supervision for quality control purposes. Operations Utilize OEM’s Economic of Scale Micromaxx outsources production to third-party OEM partners to utilize their economies of scale while removing the burden of production management from the firm. Internal Design The design and conceptualization of current and future product is done inte rnally as well as externally , utilizing industry-leading industrial design teams and engineering.Outbound Logistic Economical Packaging Micromax uses a push mail service called easy mail. Idea was to package the phone pack like a parcel Worldwide Stores To control the firm’s brand image Micromaxx products through first-party retail establishments and through authorized retailers in India, China, Srilanka and Nepal Direct shipment Micromaxx. com online orders are shipped directly to consumers form storage facilities in China,gurgaon. This minimizes inventory buildup in more costly warehouse locations . Marketing and SalesMicromaxx is marketing the company’s products and solutions in order to generate revenue, and increase the market and mind share for the organization. Planning, developing, implementing and executing the company’s go-to-market and sales strategies and programs, including product advertising/promotion; telemarketing; e-commerce marketing; specifi c product/product line marketing; and multiple channel programs. Planning, developing and coordinating all internal and external communications programs. Building awareness of services and products in all key segments.Creating content, setting style and supporting all company websites. Assessing, analyzing and maintaining the supply to demand ratio. Support Activities General Administration Micromaxx general administrator tracks and ensures financial guideline compliance, prepares monthly reports and participates in continuous improvements projects. Human Resource Management Human Resources team consists of dynamic, forward thinking professionals who are located in each region. Being passionate allows the team to be creative and resourceful when finding the right people to join our team.This passion also drives us to enhance our skills of driving employee engagement on a global scale. The Recruitment Specialist establishes and fosters a consultative relationship with hiring managers through close working relationships with various business units. Research, Technology and System Development Research and Development Plans to set up a research and development centre in China by the year-end at an investment of Rs 50 crore. The centre will help customise phones at the manufacturing level company, since we import from China. The software development will continue in Gurgaon.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
First let’s define externality Essay
As an example of the above definition: Pollution from a factory can affect the health of nearby residents – negative The same factory can provide jobs to nearby residents – positive Negative externality is two part: production and consumption. I will be using both these externalities in my following discussion on pollution. Companies pollute on three different platforms: air, water and land. Air pollution is caused by: †¢Factories †¢Power plants †¢Vehicles †¢Solvents †¢Domestic/industrial chemicals †¢Military †¢Natural causes – volcano, wildfires (ref: Water pollution is caused by: †¢Urbanization oLand disturbed from construction oChemical pollution from mines, industries, etc oInadequate sewage and treatment †¢Deforestation †¢Damming of rivers †¢Destruction of wetlands (ref: Land pollution is caused by: †¢Domestic, nuclear wastes and industrial wastes, †¢deforestation †¢human sewage †¢mining and other factories †¢increased mechanization †¢ Sewage discharged into rivers instead of being treated properly †¢ Sanitary/hazardous landfill seepage †¢ Cemeteries †¢Scrap yards (waste oil and chemical drainage) (ref: You will note from the above that pollution is a hot topic and one of the most commonly used to define negative externality. The above causes of pollution serve as a grim reminder of the visible and mostly invisible effect on the consumers. And it certainly is not calculated into the economy. The costs and benefits of pollution can be calculated by economists but this will not reduce its impact, merely factor into the cost of production of goods. What will impact on the economy is the demand for pollution free living and the purchasing decision that will allow this. The following few examples come from my own ‘green’ list: †¢Diesel instead of petrol †¢Switching of unnecessary electricity sources †¢Organic foods within my budget †¢No smoking †¢Living in a ‘leafy’ suburb A lot of South Africans (and world) citizens are making conscious buying decisions to reduce the effects of global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer. The costs of living ‘green’ is higher than average and the economy will see the impact of this as consumers demand ‘cleaner’ living conditions. How can governments help reduce or eliminate negative externality? †¢Increase taxes on domestic pollutants such as cigarettes, solvents, etc †¢Pollution tax for industries †¢Pollution limits on emissions †¢Focus on residential and business zoning and the effect on the surrounding environment †¢New commercial/residential buildings must include ‘green’ technology and utilities †¢Providing separate bins for proper product recycling – domestic, commercial and industrial †¢The abolishment of ‘shanty towns’ for proper housing (source Ref:,,, Economics: Global and South African Perspectives, Michael Parkin )
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Roman Colusseum Essays - Violence In Sports, Titus, Free Essays
Roman Colusseum Essays - Violence In Sports, Titus, Free Essays Roman Colusseum Architecture of the ancient Roman Empire is considered one of the most impressive of all time. The city of Rome once was home to more than one million residents in the early centuries AD1. The Romans had a fine selection of building monuments in the city of Rome including the forums for civic services, temples of worship, and amphitheaters for recreation and play. The Romans made great use and pioneered great architecture mechanisms including arches, columns, and even mechanical elements in pulleys and early elevators. However, when one tends to think of great buildings, one building stands out in Rome. This building is the Flavian Amphitheatre, or better known as the Colosseum. When discussing such a great monument such as the Colosseum, it is very important to realize the time, place, and culture in wish it stood to fully understand both its form and function. In the beginnings, Rome was both influenced by the Etruscans of the North and Greeks of Italy and South but had its basic roots from a long time of Samnite domination2. The Etruscans were that of an interesting type as described by Peter Quennell: The Etruscans...combined a passionate devotion to the ordinary pleasures of life with a haunting fear of death. They were cruel, too, and deeply superstitious...their victims were ordered to fight among themselves until the last had fallen. The Etruscans would have a strong impression in Roman lifestyles and philosophies. For example, the purple robe worn by leaders would be later adopted by the Romans. They also were the influence which brought gladiatorial battles of sacrifice into the Roman culture. This was a time of blood thirsty humans who loved the site of battle. Even an early christian named Alypius proclaimed that he took away with him a mad passion which prodded him not only to return (to gladatior events) with those by whom he had first been forced in, but even ahead of them and dragging in others.3 This was a time of paganism, which meant sacrifice and death. Early christians were persecuted for their beliefs in the first few centuries. Clearly in Rome, the focus was not only on religion or the emporer, but we have a focus on leisure and activities. It is said that of a three-hundred and sixty-five day year that one-hundred and fifty days were celebrated as regular holidays, with over ninety days given up t o games4. This type of lifestyle would dominate the cities and architecture of the Romans for some time to come. The people of Rome enjoyed theatres, battles, races, baths, comical events, and of course the game of death. There were many forums, temples, and many amphitheaters in the history of Rome, however only a few stand out even today. The Colosseum is the greatest standing building of Rome, and one of the most recognized worldwide architectural achievements to this day. The amphitheater is a type of architecture that was without Greek precedents. This makes sense since its primary purpose was to hold gladitiator fights and brutal shows which were banned in Athens at the time. Such events held in Roman amphitheaters were horseracing, gymnastics, mock cavalry battles, footraces, prizefighting, wrestling, fights between animals, between men, animals and men, and even naumachiae, or mock sea battles5. One of the first amphitheaters was the Pompeian amphitheater of Pompeii of 30 BC. Like the Colosseum, it was oval in plan. It was supported on great masses of solid earth pierced by a broad corridor at each end. Stone seats were added at one time but most spectators sat on the earth or wooden chairs. Although this amphitheater was a great innovation, it would be eclipsed by the Flavian Amphitheater, better known as the C olosseum. The great building although fitting and plain in design to its surroundings of Rome still stood out due to its sheer monstrosity and oval shape. Although the site viewed today is still a marvel, back in the days of its prime it was a spectacular site that would be difficult to apprehend with only words[TVK1]. [TVK2] The city which held the great structure was full of great examples of the use of arches, columns from every order, and of course sheer size. When traveling the
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Denounce vs. Renounce
Denounce vs. Renounce Denounce vs. Renounce Denounce vs. Renounce By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between denounce and renounce? Their related Latin ancestors shared a neutral sense, but in English they acquired exclusively condemnatory connotations. Denounce is externally directed one denounces another’s words or deeds while renounce is internally focused one renounces one’s own viewpoints or actions, or is called on to do so. The Latin precursor of denounce, denuntiare, means simply â€Å"to announce†â€Å"to proclaim,†or â€Å"to command,†although in ancient Rome it could also have a negative connotation. Borrowed into English from the Old French verb denoncier, it is invariably accusatory. Denunciate, a more direct descendant of the Latin term, is rare but serves as the basis of the noun form, denunciation. Renounce comes from the Old French term renoncer, in turn derived from the Latin word renuntiare, which is synonymous with denuntiare in the neutral sense, but the English word means â€Å"to abandon a viewpoint or philosophy†; synonyms are forswear and repudiate. The root element of these words, nunt, is related to the Latin word nuntius, meaning â€Å"messenger,†from which was formed the Italian word nuncio, which refers to an envoy of the head of the Roman Catholic Church; it was borrowed into English with this meaning. Two other words formed from this root are announce (the original Latin prefix was ad-, meaning â€Å"to,†as in advertise literally, â€Å"to turn toward†so that it means â€Å"to bring a message†) and pronounce (â€Å"to put an announcement forth†). The latter word’s past-tense verb form, pronounced, also became an adjective meaning â€Å"marked†or â€Å"emphatic.†A variation on announce, more faithful to the original Latin through its association with Catholicism, is annunciate, which is rare, though the equally uncommon annunciation is best known as a proper noun for a church holiday commemorating the angel Gabriel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would bear a child. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Mostly Small But Expressive InterjectionsDo you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?â€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Sunday, November 3, 2019
To what extent is it sustainable for countries to rely on the export Essay - 1
To what extent is it sustainable for countries to rely on the export of manufactured good to generate economic growth - Essay Example ce is mainly determined by two (connected) factors: its exchange rate and its growth rate in relation to those of its trading partners†(A special report on Americas economy: Export or die 2010). In other words, the currency value and the export growths are the major determinants of the economic growth of a country. This paper evaluates the importance of export of manufactured goods in sustaining economic growth of a country. China’s policies helped them to grow at the rate of 7%–8% per year which is sufficient enough to produce 15 million new jobs a year (THE â€Å"CHINA PRICE†AND WEAPONS OF MASS PRODUCTION, n. d, p.1). China is one of the prominent exporting countries in the world which exploited the possibilities of export of manufactured goods judiciously for their economic growth. In fact they taught the external world new export oriented economic lessons. While most of the countries tried to sell their products for maximum possible prices in global market, China adopted a different strategy of selling their products for maximum cheaper prices. Cheaper prices made Chinese products favorite in global market and they were able to generate big volumes of business in the global market. Bulk production helped China to sell their products for cheaper prices in global market. Mass production also helped China to reduce their unemployment problems up to certain extent. While most of th e other countries struggled to boost their economy through export of manufactured goods, China not only maintained a steady economic growth through export of manufactured goods, but also succeeded in reducing unemployment problems. It is not easy for other countries to follow the path of China blindly. For example, America’s manufacturing base is not much active currently because of the stiff competition from the Chinese products. Even American consumers became the fan of Chinese products because of the cheaper price and better quality compared to the American products. Under
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